Herbalife congratulates Cristiano Ronaldo; 2nd time winner of FIFA BALLON D'OR *fueled by Herbalife!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kebanggaan #24shahalam

Superb testimonies by my teamates! Kedua-duanya turun lebih 60kg!!
Kenal sesiapa nak kurus secara sihat dengan bantuan coach? 4-88kg is proven live testimonies we have seen so far! All you need is a coach! Lose weight now ask me how! Nak jumpa mereka? nak fit hour dengan Coach bob? Jom sertai kami!


‪#‎weightlosschallenge‬ ‪#‎jk1m‬ ‪#‎jomkurus‬ ‪#‎24fitshahalam‬‪#‎fitchallengeshahalam‬ ‪#‎fitMalaysia‬

Mesej/Whatsapp/Wechat 01123772476

IG: Adila_Jurulatihperibadi
FB: Adilah Isharudin @Adilah Backtoshape
FB : Sihat Itu Kebahagiaan

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pendaftaran Shah Alam Fit Challenge Kini Dibuka!

UPDATED 070814

Terlebih melantak masa raya?
Anda nak -->>
<> cantik bergaya di hari perkahwinan?
<> kelihatan langsing dan segak berotot? 
<> segar bertenaga sepanjang hari?
Tapi tidak tahu caranya dan tidak mudah percaya sebarak produk?
Penat mencuba pelbagai cara,
Habis ribuan ringgit,
Hampir putus asa??
Anda semestinya memerlukan bantuan Jurulatih!
Izinkan kami membantu anda! 

Daftar segera sehingga  sebagai peserta Shah Alam Fit Challenge !

Soal Jawab dan Borang pendaftaran boleh didapati disini

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Apa itu penyakit kardiovaskular?

Penyakit jantung ialah istilah luas yang digunakan untuk menerangkan bermacam-macam penyakit yang menjejaskan jantung dan salur darah seseorang. Istilah “penyakit jantung” kerap digunakan bertukar ganti dengan “penyakit kardiovaskular”.
Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan sebab utama kematian di seluruh dunia dan ia merujuk kepada gangguan salur darah yang membekalkan darah ke jantung dan bahagian-bahagian penting tubuh yang lain seperti otak, buah pinggang, mata, tangan dan kaki.Pengesanan awal risiko-risiko kardiovaskular membantu mengurangkan penderitaan akibat penyakit jantung dan mencegah komplikasi-komplikasinya seperti kegagalan jantung, serangan jantung, angin ahmar, penyakit buah pinggang dan penyakit arteri periferi melalui rawatan awal.
Penyakit kardiovaskular ialah proses yang bermula dengan kerosakan kepada tubuh akibat faktor-faktor gaya hidup seperti merokok, tiadanya kegiatan fizikal dan diet yang tidak sihat.
Kerosakan ini akan berkembang menjadi penyakit berisiko tinggi seperti kegemukkan, tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis dan paras lipid tinggi. Jika ia terus dibiarkan tanpa ditangani, penyakit-penyakit ini seterusnya akan berkembang menjadi penyakit vaskular yang akan mengakibatkan kerosakan dan kegagalan pelbagai organ dan akhirnya kematian.

Apakah faktor risiko penyakit ini?
Siapa yang berisiko mendapat penyakit ini?
Pesakit yang menghidap kencing manis, tekanan darah tinggi, mempunyai masalah kegemukkan yang berlebihan dan penyakit buah pinggang berlarutan mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapat penyakit kardiovaskular.

TETAPI, bagi individu yang berisiko tetapi tidak mempunyai simptom penyakit kardiovaskula, adalah dinasihatkan nasihat agar membuat beberapa perubahan kepada gaya hidup bagi meningkatkan kesihatan jantung mereka. Perubahan-perubahan ini termasuklah mengurangkan merokok, makan makanan yang sihat dan kerap bersenam. Jika sesuai, pesakit juga akan diberikan ubat untuk merawat tekanan darah tinggi, paras lipid tinggi dan kencing manis. Individu yang berisiko rendah harus terus mengamalkan gaya hidup yang sihat.

Maka, marilah kita jalani HIDUP GAYA HIDUP SIHAT dgn mengamalkan ciri-ciri di bawah:
Pemakanan sihat
Kekalkan berat badan yang sihat
Selalu libatkan diri dlm kegiatan fizikal
Kurangkan/tidak merokok
Pastikan tahap kolestrol anda terkawal
Pastikan tekanan darah anda terkawal
Pastikan paras gula dalam darahl anda terkawal
Ambil ubat anda secara tetap
Sila jalani pemantauan tetap jika anda mempunyai masalah perubatan kronik...

Persoalannya, bagaimana HEBALIFE NITEWORKS boleh membantu?

Herbalife Niteworks dicipta berdasarkan kajian selama 40 tahun dalam Nitric Oxide (N.O) dan telah dihasilkan oleh Dr.Louis Ignarro (saintis Herbalife & pemenang Nobel Laurrette in Medicine 1998).

Apa itu N.O?
Nitrik Oksida (NO) dilepaskan di dalam endothelium dalam salur darah untuk memberi isyarat agar salur darah berada dalam keadaan rehat dan mudah lentur (elastic) dan meningkatkan aliran darah ke jantung. Ia secara semula jadi yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh manusia, walaupun dalam kuantiti yang kecil, pecahan asid amino.
Manfaat utama dan tugas nitrik oksida..
Mengatur peredaran darah dan menetapkan aktiviti otak, paru-paru, hati, perut dan organ-organ lain.
Membantu tekanan darah, melebarkan pembuluh darah boleh menyebabkan ereksi zakar dan digunakan oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan virus, bakteria dan parasit infections.
Kemampuannya untuk mengurangkan keradangan membantu otot yang terdedah kepada stresses.
HEBALIFE NITEWORKS telah digabungkan bersama dengan L-Arginine dan L-Citrulline utk membantu merangsang pengahasilan Nitrik Oksida.
Kebaikan gabungan L-Arginina dan L-Citrulline
L-arginina adalah asid amino yang membantu badan menghasilkan nirik oksida.
Menambahkan dengan L-arginina, peringkat nirik oksida adalah pada tahap yang optimum, dan jantung tidak kerja keras untuk mengepam darah ke seluruh tubuh, dan kami mendapat manfaat daripada stamina yang lebih baik, tenaga dan prestasi seksual.
L-citrullina memberi manfaat kepada sistem yang memudahkan pengeluaran L-arginina, kerana ia ditukar kepada L-arginina.
L-Citrulline membantu menyelesaikan masalah penyerapan nutrisi oleh badan, peningkatan L-arginina(melalui proses penukaran atau proses sintesis), di mana dan bila diperlukan.

Mengandungi sebatian proprietari L-Arginina dan L-Citrulline untuk membantu merangsang tahap penghasilan Nitrik Oksida.
Membantu menjaga agar tona saluran darah, fleksibel dan muda untuk peredaran darah yang lebih baik.
Membantu meningkatkan pengaliran darah, fungsi yang menyokong jantung, otak dan organ2 lain.
Membantu menyokong tahap tekanan darah sihat yang berada dalam jumlah yang normal.



By Dina L. Mitchell on December 28, 2008
Flavor Name: Original Flavor (Kosher Parve)Size Name: 10.6oz (300g) Verified Purchase
I first heard about the doctor that developed this product and his winning the nobel peace prize for it's development and I searched the internet for info on him...then I researched the individual elements and then I bought the doctor's book....I am 71 and last winter I was feeling really bad and my doctor couldn't find anything to cause me to be that way except high cholesterol and high blood pressure and I was taking 7 prescriptions for that.....I asked my cardiologist and my primary care doctor if this would interfere with the meds I was currently taking and they both said no...each said that they had prescribed some of the ingredients in the product but not as a formula....so I had blood labs done and five months later I had it done again...my labs had all come into spec except my triglicerides..they got higher and I am now trying to drop that number by not eating so much carbohydrates....my overall cholesterol dropped 68 points...I now use this product regularly and I take one bp med, twice a day and one water pill a day.....but the really wonderful thing is that I feel good again and I can get up and move around and go shopping again.....it's been a great find for me....

I also know the nightworks is great as I have my hubby using it and his blood pressure has went down tremendously!
I use Niteworks for the most amazing sleep ever! I mix it in cold sparkling water. If you drink before going to bed after a big night out, it is fantastic at preventing any hangover. But seriously, i love the taste, and i get amazing energy from using this product regularly.

Beverly gerres
Niteworks along with other herbalife Targeted products has helped me to get off Asthma Meds. Yes during this allegy season Im not taking any Asthma Meds. Im Herbalife for Life.

Niteworks is amazing at reducing the swelling of veins in the lower legs. My husband has been able to come off all of his heart meds, with his doctors approval, after suffering a heart attack.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hidden Sugars: 7 Foods to Avoid

By: Dr Lou Ignarro
Hidden Sugars 7 Foods to Avoid
Most people don’t know that by the time they’ve eaten breakfast and had their morning coffee or espresso drink, they’ve met their sugar quota for the day. It’s not the whole food ingredients or coffee—it’s the additives: added sugars in breakfast food and coffee sweeteners like syrups and flavored creams. Then, pile on sugary soft drinks or sweets throughout the day, and it’s easy to exceed what nutrition experts recommend as part of a healthy diet.
According to the USDA, Americans eat an average of 32 teaspoons of added sugars a day. Take a moment to think about eating a teaspoon of sugar one, two, three, four…32 times. That might seem a ridiculous idea, but many people eat an equivalent amount just through sweetened foods and drinks.
Yet the World Health Organization suggests that people eat a fraction of that amount—25 grams, or about 6 teaspoons daily, which is found in less than one soft drink. Those recommendations cover all added sugars, including those naturally found in honey, syrups, fruit juice and fruit concentrates.
High sugar intake increases the risk of a variety of health concerns, including heart disease. To support heart health, let’s look at some of the top sugar-filled foods to avoid. (You might also be interested in my article, “7 of the Worst Foods for Heart Health.”)

Breakfast cereals: Even if you try to avoid sugary cereals, chances are your morning bowl is made up of a good amount of added sugar. Most breakfast cereals, including those marketed as “healthy,” can contain as much as 20 grams of sugar per serving.
Alternative: Homemade steel-cut oatmeal with fruit

Cereal bars: A cereal bar might seem like a healthy breakfast, but most are loaded with sugar. Many contain anywhere from 12 to 19 grams of sugar per bar.
Alternative: Whole wheat toast with avocado

Canned or packaged fruit: Fruit is healthy, but usually not when it’s canned or packaged. Most fruit is contained in syrup that adds up to 26 grams of sugar per serving.
Alternative: Whole fruits like apple, orange or pear

Condiments: A healthy salad or sandwich can easily become unhealthy with sugary condiments. Salad dressings, ketchup, pickle relish, mayonnaise and barbeque sauce are all condiments to avoid due to high sugar content.
Alternatives: Balsamic vinegar with Italian spices for salad; mustard, pesto, salsa, hot sauce or vinegar for sandwiches

Coffee creamer: Before you pour sweetener into your coffee, think of the health consequences. Just one tablespoon of a typical sweetened coffee creamer contains around 5 grams of sugar, which is 20 percent of the recommended daily intake.
Alternative: Milk (cow or unsweetened almond, flax or hemp)

Soft drinks: Flavored soft drinks may be the worst culprit of all because of the extremely high sugar content. Just one can might have as many as 33 grams of sugar, or almost 7 teaspoons.
Alternative: Carbonated water with a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange juice
Fruit drinks: Because this drink contains the word “fruit,” it can be easy to consider it healthy. Yet some fruit drinks contain less than 3 percent juice and can have as many as 22 grams of sugar in just 16 ounces (2 cups).
Alternative: 100 percent fruit juice with no added sugar, in moderation

Most of all, check labels for sugar, saturated fat and sodium content. Opt for whole foods as much as possible, and limit your intake of processed options. Small, daily choices lead to big, lifelong health benefits.

How do you limit your sugar intake? What are your favorite foods that are naturally low in sugar?

[1] http://www.usda.gov/factbook/chapter2.pdf
[2] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/notes/2014/consultation-sugar-guideline/en/
[3] http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/eating-too-much-added-sugar-increases-the-risk-of-dying-with-heart-disease-201402067021
[4] http://fitnesstogether.com/sebring/site_downloads/Sugar_In_Cereal.pdf
[5] http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/4358?qlookup=14400&max=25&man=&lfacet=&new=1
[6] http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/4457?fg=&man=&lfacet=&format=&count=&max=25&offset=&sort=&qlookup=fruit+juice

About Dr. Ignarro

Dr. Ignarro is a pharmacologist who has spent over 40 years as a research scientist. In 1998 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his research into Nitric Oxide. Dr. Ignarro works with Herbalife to advance heart health around the world. For more information about Dr. Ignarro, see his extended bio.

#ShahAlamFitChallenge Season 2: My Coachee Bolot 3 Kategori Terus!!

Repost dari insta kak Nurun, sangat bangga dengan pencapaian dia, Alhamdulillah..
Sebenarnya saya spam ig kak Fafau HotFm serta beberapa artis lagi tak silap dengan ayat mencari peserta #fitchallengeshahalam atau #kurussebelumraya. Dari situ dah dapat beberapa nama yang berminat dan kak Nurun ni, seorang Jururawat; siap bawak kawan2 lagi join! Setelah itu saya serahkan Kak Nurun kepada jagaan Coach sy, Fit Coach Ain Nazam. Dialah yang jaga dan pantau kak Nurun serta banyak bagi sokongan moral. Sebabnya saya jauh di Kajang, selalu habis kerja jam 8 malam..stockbroking firm katakan..dalam keadaan takada kereta ni komuter je lah transportation saya. nak sampai ke sana ambil masa dua jam pulak tu!huhu..

Ain selalu bagitau saya betapa positifnya sikap kak Nurun untuk ubah kesihatan dan berat beliau. Walaupun kak Nurun pengguna produk S tapi kami tak paksa kak Nurun tukar produk pun, dah jumpa baru tau dia pengguna produk tersebut. Konsep kami adalah 'fitclub'; untuk bersenam, bukan menjual produk kami..pemakanan adalah pilihan masing2 dan kerana setiap produk ada kelebihan tersendiri. Sepupu dan rakan baik saya juga adalah pengedar produk tersebut ye. so hate em not!

Alhamdulillah dua minggu lepas menyertai, kak nurun membuat keputusan untuk mula menggunakan nutrisi herbalife Formula 1 Shake perisa Coklat- TANPA PAKSAAN, TANPA PERLU KAMI MERENDAHKAN PRODUK S tersebut. 

Satu hari saya hubungi kak nurun mengucapkan tahniah dan dengan bersemangat dia bercerita kesan produk terhadap beliau. Tambahan pulak di bulan Ramadan. dua minggu pertama tanpa produk, dua minggu seterusnya dengan produk. Apa yang berlaku ialah kak Nurun tersangat sangat sangat sangat lah excited bercerita tentang tenaga, kekenyangan, keringanan, dan kecepatan turun berat dengan produk! kak Nurun turut menambah betapa seronoknya bersama team kami bersenam dan fun fit sama2!
Alhamdulillah.. ^_^

Sorry but thanks kak therealfafau. sebab sy spam ig beliaw maka sy dpat bantu sorg hamba Allah nak trun beratvdengan bantuan coach n awesomeness team. Alhamdulillah sebb raya ni sy tak keseorangan badan baru,my proud coachee pon! pemenang 3 kategori - weight loss, fat loss, muscle gain!!! Allahu..touching sgt ngan kakak misi ni. serius nak ubah kehidupan,nk sihat n yg penting sgt have fun dengan team#back2shape #shahalamfitchallenge!! tq my coach. ain sbb train dia.

eekanashihah "Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Ni hadiah raya utk mak dgn bapak. Selalu yg cheq dok cakap malam-malam gi clubbing tu ni la bendanya. Gi kelab nutrisi sebenarnya. Doakan istiqamah please.. :') #healthylifestyle#sayNOtoubatkurus" via PhotoRepost_app

#kurussebelumraya #jomkurus #nakkurus

Jadi, anda2 yang teringin mempunyai badan yang sihat, aktif lagi bertenaga, dan menghilangkan lemaks2 terkumpul masa beraya, sertai #shahalamfitchallenge kami dengan tema #musimraya !!!

Workout smarter, not harder
pm wsapp wechat -01123772476
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Shah Alam Fit Coaches team Back2Shape.
We lost weight, we lost fat, we gain muscle, we are healthier, we are energetic and we WILL help you!!
01123772476 NOW!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Hartford Executive Dismissed for Comments on Herbalife

Bloomberg News
William Kelly Jr., a former vice president in the directors and officers group at insurer Hartford Financial Services Group Inc.HIG -1.07%, said he was fired last week for comments he made to MoneyBeat about the insurer’s deliberations on Herbalife Ltd.HLF -6.14% as a potential client.
Last week, Mr. Kelly told MoneyBeat that Herbalife had approached Hartford about purchasing a so-called directors-and-officers insurance policy, a type of insurance that covers legal costs when board members and senior executives get sued. Mr. Kelly said Hartford had ultimately decided not to provide Herbalife with that insurance.
Mr. Kelly made these comments on the sidelines of a presentation that short seller Bill Ackman gave about Herbalife. Mr. Ackman was attempting to cast further doubts on the company’s business model.
Mr. Kelly said that Hartford terminated him two days after he made these statements. He said the company said the information he provided to MoneyBeat was in violation of Hartford’s media policy.
Shannon Lapierre, a spokesperson for Hartford, declined to comment, noting that Hartford does not comment on personnel matters.
“The Hartford takes very seriously its obligations to protect The Hartford’s business information including that related to its customers and potential customers. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that address the protection of company information,” the company said in a statement.
Herbalife is a current client of Hartford for other types of insurances, a person familiar with Herbalife said.
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